About Me

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I Am...A Christian, A Wife, A Friend, A Mother, A Nursing Student, A Neighbor, A Daughter, A Scrapbooker, A Quote Lover, A Collector, A Photographer, A Cheerleader, & a Memory Maker.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

God's Simple Request....

Wow has this been a season of my life like none other! Nursing school...a severe flair in Mason's autism, realizing that the pressure that is put upon Morgan Tate (Mason's brother who is one year younger than he) is just more than that precious child can handle! There have been times in the last few months when I seriously thought I could just start running and running and never come back! Doesn't sound like me at all....especially if you know how very thankful I am for the 4 precious lives God gave me! But even so there are seasons in our lives when we just don't think we can go on. I was truly at the end of my rope....on my knees...searching through every note, old bible, old prayer journals for hours and hours when I finally came upon it! God isn't asking much of me...In the midst of this season that I call heavy....he is simply telling me to "Just love them!" If I can just love these precious gifts with all that I am...and that is a lot...then he will take care of the rest! And indeed he has fulfilled me with a love and an overwhelming presence of his guidance. I was seeking in all the wrong places...the Internet for sources, doctors, friends who have no clue what it is like to have a special needs child, when all I had to do was ask him! God has a funny sense of humour to me in the fact that I am sure he is just sitting up there saying...Dear Child...It is right in front of your face! He is the only answer! He is the only way to lift the burden! He is enough!


Down On The Farm said...

Yes, He is more than enough! Keep your eyes on Him and He will give you peace :0!

John said...

Lori.....WOW, I didn't know you were blogging!!! It is a great way of just getting things off of your mind, even though it throws those "things" into the laps of others. I read your comment, not knowing just who "Lori" was/is....and followed up and....Voila!!!! Here you are.....GREAT!!!

I have been doing this since the spring of '05....and it is an incredible way of doing as I said above, AND.....keeping a journal/diary where you can look back and check out when things occurred, or where you were at certain points of the calendar.

I will put yours down to follow.....as, by now you must realize, I am always sooooo interested in what my "kids" (former students) are doing in their lives. I am still inserting myself into everyone's lives, most of the time with just my presence on FB and/or, on their blogs.

And.....what a cheery little note you left me when I first opened this up. I am off to Cape G in a few minutes for my pre-op appt. for the surgery on my left eye on Wed. Can't wait to get it completed!!!

Talk with you later......with love!!!


Karla said...

Lori, Your fan list of your blog is growing...we told you so! I hope I'm doing this correctly? Who knows, I've been trying to sign up for Twitter tonight & think I just accomplished it after getting home from Columbia. Look forward to reading your thoughts often, but they are NOT to take the place of our "in person" time! :-) Love you, hugs & you are the best at each of your jobs (wife, mother, etc.)...Never forget it! <3